WhatsApp reveals special contacts feature

WhatsApp, a Meta-owned app, has revealed a breakthrough feature surrounding the users’ interactions with their contacts.

Meta app has introduced customisable reactions for individual contacts. Adding a personalised touch to their conversations, WhatsApp users can now assign specific reactions to their specific or special contacts.

With the help of this new feature, users have been allowed to freely express themselves in a more detailed manner. The possibilities have no limits whether it’s giving a favourite emoji or crafting a custom text reaction. Users can make their responses to reflect the importance of their relationships with their contacts from inside jokes to heartily sentiments.

By experimenting with different emojis, GIFs, and text combinations for creating the perfect reaction for each contact, users can let their creativity expand. It’s similar to curating a personalised language that exceeds words, signifying deeper connections in the digital realm.

WhatsApp is making stronger bonds between individuals by permitting users to customise their interactions. Reinforcing the unique dynamics of each relationship, these personalised reactions act as symbols of intimacy and understanding. This feature lets WhatsApp users communicate in an authentic manner. 

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