Google Photos new feature lets you ‘hide’ unwanted faces from Memories

Google Photos is testing out a new feature that will allow you to control who you want to see in your Memory recaps, Forbes reported. 

According to reports, Google Photos is preparing a new “show less” function that will let users to “hide specific faces,” from the platform’s automatically generated “memories” without having to remove their pictures from the photo library.

However, the picture may be shown in group photos.

The new update was first discovered by Google tipster, Assemble Debug who announced it on X, formerly Twitter.

As per Android Authority, the “show less” feature is not currently live in Google Photos and will be available in the future releases.

In future versions, the app will have a “Hide face from memories” option that will appear when editing an individual from the “People and Pets” view.

Tapping this will open up two more options, a “Show less” feature and the second, “Block face” option, which will additionally prevent that person from being tagged in photos with others.

A new settings flow will also be created to accommodate the change. You will be able to access it through Settings > Preferences > Memories > Hide people & pets.

Assemble Debug has also claimed that the future Google Photos update will also have a new one-tap video enhancement feature.

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