Commiphora Wightii

The common name for the blossoming Mukul myrrh tree is "guggul" (Commiphora myrrh). It is a tiny, thorny

The common name for the blossoming Mukul myrrh tree is “guggul” (Commiphora myrrh). It is a tiny, thorny tree that is most frequently discovered in India, in regions with desert climates like Rajasthan and Gujarat. The term “guggul” can also refer to the resin made from the guggul tree’s sap, which has been utilized for over 2,000 years in Ayurvedic treatment. Neelam Ali, Dietitian, Noida International Institute of Medical Sciences, shares guggul’s uses, effects and benefits.

Benefits Of Guggul

Guggul is a yogavahi, which means that it is frequently used expressly to take other substances deep into the tissues because of its extraordinarily subtle and penetrating characteristics. The other herbs give the potent cleansing and revitalizing properties direction it combines with. Guggul calms the Vata, pitta, and Kapha doshas, although it is particularly well known for pacifying the Vata doshas.

  1. Considered the best herb in Ayurveda for cholesterol control
  2. Maintains healthy LDL_HDL and triglyceride levels
  3. Used to treat blood sugars
  4. It helps with detoxification and rejuvenation
  5. Purifies the blood
  6. AGN Kindles (digestive fire)
  7. Encourages responsible weight control
  8. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce inflammation in Arthritis and joint pain.
  9. A naturally occurring source of antioxidants
  10. Strengthens the immune system
  11. It helps to create youthful, healthy skin

The circulatory, digestive, neurological, and respiratory systems and all other body tissues are exceptionally responsive to guggul. In addition, Guggul has an intense scraping action that allows it to rejuvenate tissues and channels while also removing toxins. Guggul’s scraping nature is what offers it many of its health benefits.

How To Use Guggul?

External Use of Guggul

  • Guggul Paste for External Use:Guggul paste can be applied to the outside of the body to support healthy skin, joint mobility, the reduction of oedema, and tissue detoxification.
  • Gargling: To maintain healthy oral mucous membranes, teeth, and gums, guggul can be gargled or held in the mouth and spit out.

Internal Guggul Use

Ayurveda usually advises tasting herbs because taste plays a significant part in the digestive process and triggers the body to begin its supportive mechanisms. Guggul can be consumed internally, although it’s usually combined with other herbs. In addition, it can be consumed as a tablet or as a powder. Most of the Guggulu (guggul formulae) offered by Banyan Botanicals are available in tablet and powder forms, including simple guggul, which is available in a powdered form.

Side Effects Of Guggul

  1. Guggul can aggravate pitta, especially when combined with a lifestyle that does the same. Therefore, it is advised to avoid acidic meals, alcohol, prolonged sun exposure, rage, and extreme sexual activity while taking guggul.
  2. The most frequent side effects recorded were gastrointestinal disturbances, loose stools, and diarrhoea. Guggul is a potent herb that needs to be handled with caution.
  3. Saffron is regarded as the antidote when excessive dosage or misuse can cause pathological changes in the liver or lungs, impotence, skin impurities, vertigo, and dry mouth.

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