90-million-year old dinosaur, who ate grass, finally found

A new medium-sized herbivorous dinosaur, which lived about 90 million years ago in the Late Cretaceous period in

A new medium-sized herbivorous dinosaur, which lived about 90 million years ago in the Late Cretaceous period in present day Patagonia, has been discovered by paleontologists from Argentina.

Named, Chakisaurus nekul and found in the Pueblo Blanco Natural Reserve, in the southern province of Rio Negro, was found to be a fast runner, according to The Economic Times.

Chakisaurus reached 2.5 metres or 3 metres long and was 70 centimetres high (8 to 10 feet long and 27 inches high), as per scientists.

As per new yielded findings about Chakisaurus, the animal had its tail curved unusually downward.

“This new species, Chakisaurus nekul, was a bipedal herbivore that among its most important characteristics had a tail that, unlike other dinosaurs, which was horizontal, had a downward curvature,” said Rodrigo Alvarez, author of the study.

“It is something super new for these animals. In addition, it is known that it was a good runner, which was something it needed because it lived with a large number of predators and its only defense was to be faster than them,” he added.

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