Ayurveda, the ancient Indian healing therapy, extensively uses herbs in its therapies. In fact, more than 600 herbs

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian healing therapy, extensively uses herbs in its therapies. In fact, more than 600 herbs and 250 single plant remedies are used in the various treatments under this healing system. These herbs not only offer protection against the invasion of diseases, but also cleanses and balances the body, mind and spirit. These herbs are used in a variety of ways depending on what a person is suffering from. Some of these herbs can be added to your diet, some are used in therapeutic massages in the form of oils and spices and aromatherapy. Many are also used while performing yoga and during meditation.


Herbs in Ayurveda are used to promote health and balance the doshas—vata, pitta, and kapha. These herbs are used either alone or in combination with other therapeutics to bring about overall wellness. It can be used to detoxify the body, boost immunity so that your body is able to defend itself against various pathogens, promote the health of the different organs and balance the body, mind and soul. The aim is to prevent illness instead of just responding to a disease ensuring that there is a balance between your body, mind, and your environment.


There are over 600 herbs in Ayurveda, which are used in combination with other therapeutics except on rare occasions, when it is used alone. These herbs are catergorised according to their uses and effects on the health of a person. An Ayurvedic practitioner may use herbs along with guided nutrition, massages with therapeutic oils and spices, yoga, meditation and also aromatherapy to achieve overall wellness and a life free from diseases. Each herb in Ayurveda has its own uses and benefits and is used for specific diseases.


There are very few studies available regarding the efficacy of Ayurvedic herbs. But some studies do exist and these show that there are herbs that herbs may boost heart health, help the body fight inflammation and work as a mood booster and stress buster. But more research is needed to conclusive prove the stated health benefits of herbs in Ayurveda.


It is always advisable to ask about the side-effects of Ayurvedic herbs if you are visiting a practitioner of this healing system. Many herbs are known to cause side effects and also sometimes interact with some common medications. Some herbs may also cause diarrhea, stomach cramps, headaches, nausea, rashes, etc. Herbs like triphala, guggul and Boswellia are known for this. Some herbs like may gotu kola may also cause sensitivity to light and rashes. It is also advisable for pregnant women and lactating mothers to avoid taking these herbs. It is better if you avoid giving it to children to be on the safer side since there is hardly any research on the subject.